(a) The oil and gas tax credit fund is established as a separate fund of the state. The purpose of the fund is to purchase certain transferable tax credit certificates issued under AS 43.55.023 and certain production tax credit certificates issued under AS 43.55.025 .
(b) The oil and gas tax credit fund consists of
(1) money appropriated to the fund, including any appropriation of the percentage provided under (c) of this section of all revenue from taxes levied by AS 43.55.011 that is not required to be deposited in the constitutional budget reserve fund established in art. IX, sec. 17(a), Constitution of the State of Alaska; and
(2) earnings on the fund.
(c) The applicable percentage for a fiscal year under (b)(1) of this section is determined with reference to the average price or value forecast by the department for Alaska North Slope oil sold or otherwise disposed of on the United States West Coast during the fiscal year for which the appropriation of revenue from taxes levied by AS 43.55.011 is made. If that forecast is
(1) $60 a barrel or higher, the applicable percentage is 10 percent;
(2) less than $60 a barrel, the applicable percentage is 15 percent.
(d) The department shall manage the fund.
(e) The department, on the written application of the person to whom a transferable tax credit certificate has been issued under AS 43.55.023(d) or a production tax credit certificate has been issued under AS 43.55.025 (f), may use available money in the oil and gas tax credit fund to purchase, in whole or in part, the certificate if the department finds that
(1) the calendar year of the purchase is not earlier than the first calendar year for which the credit shown on the certificate would otherwise be allowed to be applied against a tax;
(2) within 24 months after applying for the transferable tax credit certificate or filing a claim for the production tax credit certificate, the applicant incurred a qualified capital expenditure or was the successful bidder on a bid submitted for a lease on state land under AS 38.05.180 (f);
(3) the amount expended for the purchase would not exceed the total of qualified capital expenditures and successful bids described in (2) of this subsection that have not been the subject of a finding made under this paragraph for purposes of a previous purchase of a certificate;
(4) the applicant does not have an outstanding liability to the state for unpaid delinquent taxes under this title;
(5) the applicant's total tax liability under AS 43.55.011 (e), after application of all available tax credits, for the calendar year in which the application is made is zero;
(6) the applicant's average daily production of oil and gas taxable under AS 43.55.011 (e) during the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the application is made was not more than 50,000 BTU equivalent barrels; and
(7) the purchase is consistent with this section and regulations adopted under this section.
(f) Money in the fund remaining at the end of a fiscal year does not lapse and remains available for expenditure in successive fiscal years.
(g) The department may adopt regulations to carry out the purposes of this section, including standards and procedures to allocate available money among applications for purchases the total amount of which exceeds the amount of available money in the fund.
(h) Nothing in this section creates a dedicated fund.
(i) In this section, "qualified capital expenditure" has the meaning given in AS 43.55.023 .