(a) The department shall study
(1) the effects of the provisions of this chapter on oil and gas exploration, development, and production in the state, on investment expenditures for oil and gas exploration, development, and production in the state, on the entry of new producers into the oil and gas industry in the state, on state revenue, and on tax administration and compliance, giving particular attention to the tax rates provided under AS 43.55.011 , the tax credits provided under AS 43.55.023 - 43.55.025, and the deductions for and adjustments to lease expenditures provided under AS 43.55.160 - 43.55.170; and
(2) the effects of the tax rates under AS 43.55.011 (i) on state revenue and on oil and gas exploration, development, and production on private land, and the fairness of those tax rates for private landowners.
(b) The department shall prepare a report on or before the first day of the 2011 regular session of the legislature on the results of the study made under (a) of this section, including recommendations as to whether any changes should be made to this chapter. The department shall notify the legislature that the report prepared under this subsection is available.