(a) A person subject to the tax under this chapter shall file a return stating the value of fishery resources landed in the state that are subject to the tax, the point of landing of the fishery resource, and other information the department requires by regulation.
(b) The return shall be made on the basis of the calendar year and is due before April 1 after the close of the calendar year, and any unpaid tax shall be paid with the return.
(c) The department may, under regulations it adopts, grant a reasonable extension of time for the filing. A grant of an extension of time for filing does not extend the time for payment of the tax.
(d) A person subject to the tax under this chapter shall make quarterly payments of the tax estimated to be due for the year, as required under regulations adopted by the department. A taxpayer will be subject to an estimated tax penalty, determined by applying the interest rate specified in AS 43.05.225 to the underpayment for each quarter, unless the taxpayer makes estimated tax payments in equal installments that total either
(1) at least 90 percent of the taxpayer's tax liability under this chapter for the tax year; or
(2) at least 100 percent of the taxpayer's tax liability under this chapter for the prior tax year.