(a) There is established in the general fund an Alaska Gasline Inducement Act reimbursement fund. The fund consists of money appropriated to it by the legislature for disbursement to pay the state's reimbursements under AS 43.90.110 . Money appropriated to the fund may be spent for the purposes of the fund without further appropriation. Appropriations to the fund do not lapse under AS 37.25.010, but remain in the fund for future disbursements. Nothing in this subsection creates a dedicated fund.
(b) The Department of Revenue shall manage the fund, and may invest money in the fund so as to yield competitive market rates as provided in AS 37.10.071 . Income earned on the fund shall be accounted for separately and may be appropriated annually to the fund.
(c) The commissioners shall adopt regulations that provide for application to receive reimbursements for qualified expenditures as provided under AS 43.90.110 , and that provide for periodic audits of the use of money disbursed as reimbursements under this chapter.
(d) Within 10 days after the convening of each regular session of the legislature, the commissioners shall submit to the legislature a report that lists all the disbursements from the fund during the preceding fiscal year with a written justification for each disbursement and the projected amount of money that will be required for reimbursements in each of the next three fiscal years.