The Department of Labor and Workforce Development shall
(1) enforce the laws and adopt regulations under them concerning employer-employee relationships, including the safety, hours of work, wages, and conditions of workers, including children;
(2) accumulate, analyze, and report labor statistics;
(3) operate systems of workers' compensation and unemployment insurance;
(4) gather data reflecting the cost of living in the various election districts of the state upon request of the director of personnel under AS 39.27.030 ; in this paragraph, "election district" has the meaning given in AS 39.27.020 (b);
(5) operate the federally funded employment and training programs under 29 U.S.C. 2801 - 2945 (Workforce Investment Act of 1998);
(6) administer the state's program of adult basic education and adopt regulations to administer the program; and
(7) administer the programs of the Alaska Vocational Technical Center and adopt regulations to administer the programs, including regulations that set rates for student tuition and room and board and fees for the programs and services provided by the department regarding the Alaska Vocational Technical Center.