When the governor has by proclamation declared an area impacted by an economic disaster, the following provisions regarding public contracts may be waived to the extent specified in the proclamation:
(1) the requirement of a contractor's bond as prescribed in AS 36.25.010 may be waived if the contract amount does not exceed $100,000;
(2) the public bid requirements as contained in AS 19.10.170 , AS 19.30.191(b), AS 35.15.010 - 35.15.020, and AS 36.30 (State Procurement Code) may be waived if the contract is to be performed by a contractor whose principal office is in the designated area and the contract amount does not exceed $50,000;
(3) the general policy to require all construction to be under bid contract as contained in AS 19.10.170 , AS 35.15.010 , and AS 36.30 (State Procurement Code) may be waived if the contract is to be performed by the state, another governmental entity, or a nonprofit entity.