In furtherance of its corporate purposes, the authority has the following powers in addition to its other powers:
(1) to sue and be sued;
(2) to have a seal and alter it at pleasure;
(3) to make and alter bylaws for its organization and internal management;
(4) to adopt regulations governing the exercise of its corporate powers;
(5) to improve, equip, operate, and maintain power projects and bulk fuel, waste energy, energy conservation, energy efficiency, and alternative energy facilities and equipment;
(6) to issue bonds to carry out any of its corporate purposes and powers, including the establishment or increase of reserves to secure or to pay the bonds or interest on them, and the payment of all other costs or expenses of the authority incident to and necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and powers;
(7) to sell, lease as lessor or lessee, exchange, donate, convey, or encumber in any manner by mortgage or by creation of any other security interest, real or personal property owned by it, or in which it has an interest, when, in the judgment of the authority, the action is in furtherance of its corporate purposes;
(8) to accept gifts, grants, or loans from, and enter into contracts or other transactions regarding them, with any person;
(9) to deposit or invest its funds, subject to agreements with bondholders;
(10) to enter into contracts with the United States or any person and, subject to the laws of the United States and subject to concurrence of the legislature, with a foreign country or its agencies, for the construction, financing, operation, and maintenance of all or any part of a power project or bulk fuel, waste energy, energy conservation, energy efficiency, or alternative energy facilities or equipment, either inside or outside the state, and for the sale or transmission of power from a project or any right to the capacity of it or for the security of any bonds of the authority issued or to be issued for the project;
(11) to enter into contracts with any person and with the United States, and, subject to the laws of the United States and subject to the concurrence of the legislature, with a foreign country or its agencies for the purchase, sale, exchange, transmission, or use of power from a project, or any right to the capacity of it;
(12) to apply to the appropriate agencies of the state, the United States, and a foreign country and any other proper agency for the permits, licenses, or approvals as may be necessary, to maintain and operate power projects in accordance with the licenses or permits, and to obtain, hold, and use the licenses and permits in the same manner as any other person or operating unit;
(13) to enter into contracts or agreements with respect to the exercise of any of its powers, and do all things necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and exercise the powers granted in this chapter;
(14) to recommend to the legislature
(A) the pledge of the credit of the state to guarantee repayment of all or any portion of revenue bonds issued to assist in construction of power projects;
(B) an appropriation from the general fund
(i) for debt service on bonds or other project purposes; or
(ii) to reduce the amount of debt financing for the project;
(15) to carry out the powers and duties assigned to it under AS 42.45;
(16) to make grants or loans to any person and enter into contracts or other transactions regarding the grants or loans.