(a) A person, including a governmental entity or institution, or a public corporation, who intends to install, have installed, return to operation, or acquire ownership of an underground petroleum storage tank or tank system shall, before the installation or return to operation, or 30 days after acquisition, register the tank or tank system with the department on a form provided by the department and pay the tank registration fee required under AS 46.03.385 .
(b) The owner or operator of an underground petroleum storage tank or tank system that was installed before and is still in use on September 5, 1990 shall register the tank or tank system with the department on a form provided by the department and pay the tank registration fee required under AS 46.03.385 . For each tank or tank system registered under this subsection that was installed before December 22, 1988, the owner or operator shall provide to the department at the time of registration
(1) proof of plans for prompt site assessment or testing for tank tightness;
(2) proof of tank tightness testing or site assessment that occurred within the previous 12 months and
(A) satisfactory performance of the tank or tank system during the test, proof of noncontamination if a site assessment was performed, and proof of compliance with applicable state financial responsibility requirements; or
(B) if the tank or tank system did not perform satisfactorily during the test, or the site assessment showed evidence of contamination, a summary of the upgrading, repair, containment, or cleanup efforts that have been or will be used for the tank, tank system, or site.