(a) A permittee may request
(1) a permit amendment that provides for administrative changes to a permit that do not result in material changes in permit terms or conditions, such as changes in the name of the owner or operator, mailing address, registered agent, or assessable emissions;
(2) an expedited authorization for minor changes in permit terms and conditions that provide for flexibility in the operation of a stationary source consistent with 42 U.S.C. 7661a(b)(10) (Clean Air Act, sec. 502(b)(10)), and regulations adopted under that paragraph; the department may adopt regulations that include procedures under which the public may participate when an expedited authorization is requested under this paragraph; or
(3) a modification of a permit to authorize significant changes in permit terms and conditions consistent with this chapter and regulations adopted under AS 46.14.140 .
(b) The department shall review all requests submitted under (a) of this section and issue or deny the permit amendment or modification or otherwise authorize or deny the request consistent with this chapter and regulations adopted under this chapter.