11-462. Enumeration of indices A. Every recorder shall keep indices to the instruments that have been recorded. There shall be at least one entry in the indices for each instrument recorded and this entry shall show at least the date of recording, the docket and page number where recorded, the grantor or the equivalent, if any, and the grantee or the equivalent, if any. B. The recorder may elect to keep some or all of the indices by categories according to the type of instrument. In this case, he must establish at least the following categories in which each instrument shall be indexed both by the grantor or the equivalent and by the grantee or the equivalent: conveyances of real property, mortgages, releases of mortgages, miscellaneous, leases, secured transactions, assignments of mortgages and leases, governmental liens, nongovernmental liens, attachments, judgments, and agreements. In addition the recorder, under this option, shall maintain at least the following additional categories: powers of attorney, official bonds, executions, lis pendens, mine location notices and partnerships. C. The recorder may elect to keep some or all of the indices by grantor and by grantee. In this case, the entry in the indices for each instrument shall also include a description or code indicating the type of instrument recorded. D. No other provisions of law shall prevent a recorder from indexing as specified in this section. |