11-824. Adoption and amendment of county plan by board of supervisors; expiration and readoption (Rpld. 10/1/11) A. The board of supervisors may adopt the county comprehensive plan as a whole, or by successive actions adopt separate parts of the plan. The adoption or readoption of the comprehensive plan or any amendment to the plan shall be by resolution of the board. If the motion to adopt or readopt the plan or an amendment to the plan fails to pass, the board may reconsider the motion in any manner allowed by the board's rules of procedure, but any subsequent motion for the adoption or readoption of the plan or a major amendment to the plan must be approved by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the board. B. A county comprehensive plan, with any amendments, is effective for up to ten years from the date the plan was initially adopted or until the plan is readopted or a new plan is adopted pursuant to this subsection and becomes effective. On or before the tenth anniversary of the plan's most recent adoption, the board shall either readopt the existing plan for an additional term of up to ten years or shall adopt a new county plan as provided by this article. C. The adoption or readoption of, or a major amendment to, the county comprehensive plan shall be approved by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the board. All major amendments proposed for adoption to the comprehensive plan by the board shall be presented at a single public hearing during the calendar year the proposal is made. At the public hearing, the board may refer a major amendment back to the planning and zoning commission for consideration at a public hearing and recommendation of any new proposed changes. The adoption or readoption of a county plan, and any major amendment to a county plan, shall not be enacted as an emergency measure and is subject to referendum as provided by article IV, part 1, section 1, subsection (8), Constitution of Arizona, and title 19, chapter 1, article 4. If the county's area of jurisdiction includes property in the high noise or accident potential zone of a military airport or ancillary military facility as defined in section 28-8461, the board shall send notice of the approval, adoption or readoption of the comprehensive plan or major amendment to the comprehensive plan to the attorney general by certified mail, return receipt requested, within three business days after the approval, adoption or readoption. If the attorney general determines the approval, adoption or readoption of the comprehensive plan or major amendment to the comprehensive plan is not in compliance with section 28-8481, subsection J, the attorney general shall notify the county by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the determination of noncompliance. The board shall receive the notice from the attorney general within twenty-five days after the notice from the board to the attorney general is mailed pursuant to this subsection. The effective date of any approval, adoption or readoption of, or major amendment to, the comprehensive plan shall be thirty days after the board's receipt of the attorney general's determination of noncompliance. Within thirty days after the receipt of a determination of noncompliance by the attorney general as prescribed by this section, the board shall reconsider any approval, adoption or readoption of, or major amendment to, the comprehensive plan that impacts property in the high noise or accident potential zone of a military airport or ancillary military facility as defined in section 28-8461. If the board reaffirms a prior action subject to an attorney general's determination of noncompliance pursuant to this section, the attorney general may institute a civil action pursuant to section 28-8481, subsection L. If the board timely sends notice pursuant to this subsection and the attorney general fails to timely notify the board of a determination of noncompliance, the comprehensive plan or major amendment to the comprehensive plan shall be deemed to comply with section 28-8481, subsection J. If the board fails to adopt or readopt the plan, the current plan remains in effect until a new plan is adopted. The board shall either reconsider the proposed plan or consider a revised plan within one year and shall continue to do so until one is adopted. All subsequent considerations of a new or revised plan must comply with the procedures prescribed by this article. For the purposes of this subsection, "major amendment" means a substantial alteration of the county's land use mixture or balance as established in the county's existing comprehensive plan land use element for that area of the county. The county's comprehensive plan shall define the criteria to determine if a proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan effects a substantial alteration of the county's land use mixture or balance as established in the county's existing comprehensive plan land use element for that area of the county. D. On adoption or readoption, the plan, or any part of the plan, shall be the official guide for the development of the area of jurisdiction. E. Any change, amendment, extension or addition of the county plan may be made only in accordance with this chapter. F. In applying an open space element or a growth element of a comprehensive plan a county shall not designate private or state land as open space, recreation, conservation or agriculture unless the county receives the written consent of the landowner or provides an alternative, economically viable designation in the comprehensive plan or zoning ordinance, allowing at least one residential dwelling per acre. If the landowner is the prevailing party in any action brought to enforce this subsection, a court shall award fees and other expenses to the landowner. Each county shall incorporate this subsection into its comprehensive plan and provide a process for a landowner to resolve discrepancies relating to this subsection. |