11-877. Air quality control measures A. In order to reduce particulate matter in ambient air, the board of supervisors of any county that contains any portion of area A, as defined in section 49-541, shall develop, implement and enforce in area A the following air quality control measures: 1. Beginning on the effective date of this section, prohibit employees or contractors of that county from operating leaf blowers on any high pollution advisory day forecast by the department of environmental quality except while in vacuum mode and prohibit those employees or contractors from blowing landscape debris into public roadways at any time. 2. No later than March 31, 2008, adopt, implement and enforce an ordinance that bans the blowing of landscape debris into public roadways at any time by any person. 3. No later than March 31, 2008, adopt, implement and enforce an ordinance that prohibits the operation of leaf blowers except on surfaces that have been stabilized with asphaltic concrete, cement concrete, hardscape, penetration treatment of bituminous material and seal coat of bituminous binder and a mineral aggregate, decomposed granite cover, crushed granite cover, aggregate cover, gravel cover, or grass or other continuous vegetative cover, or any combination of those stabilizers. B. This section does not apply to any site that has a permit issued by a control officer as defined in section 49-471 for the control of fugitive dust from dust generating operations. |