12-265. Allocation of funds; prohibition A. Any county operating a program under this article shall receive a base amount of twenty thousand dollars from the funds appropriated annually for the purpose of carrying out this article. The remainder of any appropriated funds, excluding funds appropriated for administration, shall be made available to each participating county based upon the supreme court's determination of the need for and probable effectiveness of each plan submitted pursuant to this article. The supreme court shall allocate such funds available according to this section. B. Funds apportioned to each county shall be distributed within the county between the adult and juvenile probation departments in proportion to the adult and juvenile populations of that county based on the most recently available census figures from the department of economic security or may be distributed on any other basis approved by both the juvenile and adult probation departments of such counties and by the supreme court. C. State funds awarded to any county under this article must be utilized to improve, maintain or expand existing juvenile probation programs or to achieve or maintain the average adult probation case supervision requirement prescribed in section 12-251. No state funds may be used to increase any salaries funded under current county probation programs. |