12-267. Adult probation services fund; accounts; expenditure plan; use A. The board of supervisors shall designate a chief fiscal officer who shall establish and administer an adult probation services fund consisting of: 1. County general fund appropriations for adult probation. 2. State appropriations for adult probation including: (a) Monies for adult probation officers authorized by article 6 of this chapter. (b) Monies for state aid for adult probation services authorized by this article. (c) Monies for adult community punishment programs established pursuant to article 11 of this chapter. (d) Monies for adult intensive probation pursuant to title 13, chapter 9. (e) Monies received pursuant to section 12-270 that each county shall use for the following: (i) Increasing the availability of substance abuse treatment programs for probationers. (ii) Increasing the availability of risk reduction programs and interventions for probationers. (iii) Grants to nonprofit victim services organizations to partner with the probation department and the court to assist victims and increase the amount of restitution collected from probationers. 3. Probation fees collected pursuant to section 13-901 and section 13-902, subsection G. 4. Federal monies provided for adult probation. 5. Adult probation monies from any other source. B. The chief fiscal officer shall establish and maintain separate accounts in the fund showing receipts and expenditures of monies from each source listed in subsection A of this section. The presiding judge of the superior court shall annually present to the board of supervisors for approval a detailed expenditure plan for the adult probation services fund accounts. Any modifications to the expenditure plan affecting state appropriations shall be made in accordance with the rules and procedures established by the supreme court. Any modifications to the expenditure plan affecting county appropriated funds shall be made in accordance with the policies established by the county. The chief fiscal officer shall disburse monies from the fund accounts only at the direction of the presiding judge of the superior court. The chief fiscal officer of each county, on or before August 31 of each year for the preceding fiscal year, shall submit an annual report to the supreme court showing the total amount of receipts and expenditures in each account of the adult probation services fund. C. The state monies in the adult probation services fund, and probation fees collected pursuant to section 13-901 and section 13-902, subsection G, shall be used in accordance with guidelines established by the supreme court or the granting authority. D. State monies expended from the adult probation services fund shall be used to supplement, not supplant, county appropriations for the superior court adult probation department. E. Monies in the adult probation services fund shall be used to pay the annual assessment on member states of the interstate compact for the supervision of adult offenders established in section 31-467, article X, subsection B. F. County monies in the adult probation services fund shall be used in accordance with the fiscal policies and procedures established by the board of supervisors. G. The administrative office of the courts shall periodically charge each local probation fees account an amount established annually by the supreme court to cover a proportional share of the cost of monitoring devices required pursuant to section 13-902, subsection G consistent with guidelines established to implement section 13-902, subsection G. H. The administrative office of the courts shall charge annually the local probation fees account of each county an amount that is established annually by the administrative office of the courts to reflect each county's portion of the superior court risk management premium that is allocated to the judiciary. |