12-2701. Definitions In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. "Immigration or naturalization matter" includes all matters implicating any law, action, filing or proceeding related to a person's immigration or citizenship status in the United States. 2. "Original document" means any document of the United States government or any department or agency of the United States government, any foreign government, any state government or any political subdivision of any state, any United Nations document or any other document, including signed affidavits, that would demonstrate physical presence by a person in the United States. 3. "Unauthorized practice of immigration and nationality law" means: (a) The act of any person appearing in any case, either in person or through preparation or filing of any brief or other document, paper, application or petition on behalf of another person or client before or with the immigration and naturalization service, or any officer of the immigration and naturalization service, the executive office for immigration review or the board of immigration appeals, without authorization under this chapter. (b) The study of the facts of a case and the applicable laws, coupled with giving advice and auxiliary activities, including the incidental preparation of papers, without authorization under this chapter, but does not include the lawful functions of a notary public, nonprofit organization or service consisting solely of assistance in the completion of blank spaces on printed immigration and naturalization service forms by a person whose remuneration, if any, is nominal and who does not hold himself out as qualified in legal matters or in immigration and naturalization procedure. |