12-299.02. Community punishment advisory committee; duties A. In the discretion of the presiding judge of the superior court, a community punishment advisory committee may be appointed before submitting a plan under this article. B. If a community punishment advisory committee is appointed pursuant to this article, the advisory committee shall: 1. Be composed of at least five members, not more than one-half of whom shall be appointed from the disciplines of law enforcement, corrections, education, mental health, victim services, social services or probation and at least one-half of whom shall be other citizens having an interest in and knowledge of the criminal justice system. 2. Have a chairman and vice-chairman appointed by the presiding judge of the superior court. 3. Operate subject to guidelines and procedures established by the supreme court. C. The advisory committee shall perform the following duties: 1. Assess community-wide sentencing needs and advise the presiding judge regarding specific programs and services. 2. Review the proposed local plan and make recommendations to the presiding judge. 3. Monitor the effectiveness of local community punishment programs and services and advise the presiding judge regarding needed modifications. 4. Inform and educate the general public regarding the need for community punishment programs. 5. Make a report on a periodic basis to the presiding judge on the status and effectiveness of community punishment programs and services. D. An advisory committee initially established pursuant to this article shall receive an orientation developed and conducted by the presiding judge with the assistance of the supreme court and the adult probation department. E. The chief adult probation officer shall provide staff assistance to the advisory committee. |