12-946. Unclaimed money A. In the case of unclaimed money, the person having custody of the money pursuant to section 12-941 shall file a petition to have the money escheated. The petition shall be in the form required by section 12-943, except for the request for sale. Notice of the petition to escheat shall be given by the officer as provided in section 12-944. If after proper notice has been given, the owner or person entitled to the money has not taken it away or answered the petition filed concerning the money, the court shall order the money paid into the general fund of the jurisdiction from which the unclaimed money was received pursuant to section 12-941, except that if the money was lost and the finder who turned the property over to the state, county, city or town is not a person who is a public officer or employee of the federal, a state or a local government who found the money in the course of the performance of the duties of the office or employment, the court shall order all of the money paid as a reward to the finder who turned the money over to a state, county, city or town officer . B. If upon a hearing of the petition and answer it appears that the state, county, city or town has good title to the unclaimed money, or any part thereof, judgment shall be given that the state, county, city or town be seized or possessed thereof, and an order made that the money be paid into the general fund of the jurisdiction from which the unclaimed money was received pursuant to section 12-941. |