13-4901. Definitions In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. "Armed nuclear security guard" means a security guard who works at a commercial nuclear generating station, who is employed as part of the security plan approved by the nuclear regulatory commission and who meets the requirements mandated by the nuclear regulatory commission for carrying a firearm. 2. "Commercial nuclear generating station" means an electric power generating facility that is owned by a public service corporation, a municipal corporation or a consortium of public service corporations or municipal corporations and that produces electricity by means of a nuclear reactor and includes the property on which the facility is located. 3. "Enter" means the intrusion of any part of any instrument or any part of a person's body inside of a commercial nuclear generating station or a structure or fenced yard of a commercial nuclear generating station. 4. "Entering or remaining unlawfully" means an act by a person who enters or remains in or on a commercial nuclear generating station or a structure or fenced yard of a commercial nuclear generating station if that person's intent for entering or remaining is not licensed, authorized or otherwise privileged. 5. "Structure or fenced yard" means any structure, fenced yard, wall, building or other similar barrier or any combination of structures, fenced yards, walls, buildings or other barriers that surrounds a commercial nuclear generating station and that is posted with signage indicating it is a felony to trespass. |