15-108. Recess policies A. No later than January 1, 2011, each school district governing board and the governing body of each charter school shall conduct a public meeting to consider the adoption of a policy to provide at least thirty total minutes of recess each day for pupils in kindergarten programs and grades one through five. Each parent or guardian of a child who is enrolled in the school district or charter school, as applicable, shall be provided notice of any public meeting called pursuant to this subsection and shall be provided an opportunity at the public meeting to comment on the proposed policy. After receiving public comment, the school district governing board or the governing body of the charter school shall discuss and vote on the adoption of the proposed recess policy. B. If a recess policy is adopted pursuant to subsection A: 1. The recess requirements shall consist of structured physical activity outside or inside the classroom. 2. Physical education classes may be used to satisfy the recess requirement. 3. Unstructured recess time that occurs immediately after lunch periods does not satisfy the recess requirement. C. School districts and charter schools that do not provide instruction to pupils in kindergarten programs or grades one through five are not required to conduct a public meeting pursuant to subsection A. |