15-141. Educational records; injunction; special action A. The right to inspect and review educational records and the release of or access to these records, other information or instructional materials is governed by federal law in the family educational and privacy rights act of 1974 (20 United States Code sections 1232g, 1232h and 1232i), and federal regulations issued pursuant to such act. B. In addition to the enforcement procedures provided in the family educational and privacy rights act of 1974, the superior court may grant injunctive or special action relief if any educational agency or institution or an officer or employee of an agency or institution fails to comply with the act regardless of whether the agency or institution is the recipient of any federal funds subject to termination pursuant to the act or whether administrative remedies through any federal agency have been exhausted. C. Notwithstanding any financial debt owed by the pupil, the governing board of a school district shall release to the department of juvenile corrections all educational records relating to a pupil who is awarded to the department of juvenile corrections within ten working days after the date the request is received. D. A juvenile court may require a school district to provide the court with the educational records of a juvenile who is accused of committing a delinquent or incorrigible act before the juvenile is adjudicated. The educational records shall include the juvenile's cumulative file and discipline file and, if applicable, records that are compiled pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act (P.L. 91-230; 84 Stat. 175; 20 United States Code section 1400) and the rehabilitation act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112; 87 Stat. 394; 29 United States Code section 794). The presiding judge of the juvenile court shall adopt procedures for the transmission of the educational records from the school district to the juvenile court. The disclosure of the educational records shall comply with the family educational and privacy rights act of 1974 (20 United States Code section 1232g) and shall ensure the ability of the juvenile court to effectively serve, before adjudication, the juvenile whose records are released. Nothing in this subsection shall be considered to prevent the juvenile court from adjudicating a juvenile prior to receiving educational records pursuant to this subsection. E. A school district may release pupil attendance, disciplinary and other educational records to a law enforcement agency and county attorney pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement among the school district, law enforcement agency, county attorney and other state, local or tribal government agencies to create a local or tribal governmental juvenile justice network for the purpose of: 1. Providing appropriate programs and services to intervene with juveniles currently involved in the juvenile justice system. 2. Providing appropriate programs and services designed to deter at-risk juveniles from dropping out of school or other delinquent behavior. 3. Increasing the safety and security of the community and its children by reducing juvenile crime. F. Educational records provided pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement entered into pursuant to subsection E shall be used solely for the purposes of the agreement and shall not be disclosed to any other party, except as provided by law. |