15-2132. Indoor air quality requirements A. When the school facilities board approves the construction of a school building, the school facilities board shall conduct an environmental site assessment. The board shall consider site assessment standards in accordance with the American society for testing and materials standard E1527, standard practice for environmental site assessments: phase I environmental site assessment process. B. The school facilities board shall not approve a school building project if any of the following conditions exist: 1. The environmental site assessment indicates that the site cannot meet, within reasonable expenditures, the same criteria established for residential properties. 2. The plans incorporate flat roof construction that does not have adequate pitch towards drains in order to prevent pooling of water. 3. The plans do not incorporate indoor air quality guidelines that are acceptable to the board. The board shall consider indoor air quality guidelines in accordance with the sheet metal and air conditioning contractors national association's publication entitled "indoor air quality guidelines for occupied buildings under construction". C. Each school district governing board that installed or renovated its HVAC system on or after the effective date of this article shall ensure that its HVAC system meets both of the following requirements: 1. Is maintained and operated in a manner consistent with ventilation standards acceptable to the board. The board shall consider ventilation standards in accordance with standard 62. 2. Is operated continuously during school activity hours except during scheduled maintenance and emergency repairs and except during periods for which school officials can demonstrate to the governing board's satisfaction that the quantity of outdoor air supplied by an air supply system that is not mechanically driven meets the requirements for air changes per hour acceptable to the board. D. Each school district governing board that installed or renovated its HVAC system before the effective date of this article shall ensure that its HVAC system is maintained and operated in accordance with the prevailing maintenance and standards at the time of the installation or renovation of the HVAC system. |