15-403. Elections; notice; bond election procedure; qualifications of voters; closing of registrations; election precincts; polling places A. The county school superintendent shall cause notices of a special election except a bond election to be posted at least ninety days previous to the date of the election. The notices shall be posted in at least three public places in the school district. One notice shall be posted at the school if there is one. Bond election notices and procedures shall comply with the requirements of title 35, chapter 3, article 3. B. The notices shall specify the day and the polling places of the election and the time the polls will be open. A special election or a bond election may be held only on a date prescribed by section 16-204. C. If the county school superintendent fails to give notice as provided in subsections A and B of this section, any two qualified electors who reside within the district may give similar notice of the election at least seventy-five days prior to the election. D. A person is not entitled to vote at a special election or an election held at a time and place other than a general election in a school district who has not been a qualified elector in a precinct in the boundaries of the school district for twenty-nine days preceding the election, who is not qualified to register to vote as provided in section 16-101 and who has not registered to vote prior to midnight of the twenty-ninth day preceding the date of the election. E. The governing board of a school district shall establish school district election precincts that have the same boundaries as the county election precincts as provided in section 16-411 and designate one polling place within each precinct, except that the governing board of a union high school district may divide a county election precinct along the boundaries of common school districts within the boundaries of the union high school district and establish polling places within each common school district. In those cases where a school district boundary bisects a county election precinct, that portion of the election precinct that is within the school district shall be the school district election precinct. The governing board may consolidate school district election precincts if it deems it necessary for each election and designate one polling place for the election precincts that it consolidates. If school district election precincts are consolidated, a school district precinct register shall be prepared for the consolidated precinct. Upon a specific finding of the board, included in the order or resolution designating polling places pursuant to this subsection, that no suitable polling place is available within a precinct of the school district, a polling place for such precinct may be designated within an adjacent precinct. The adjacent precinct need not be within the school district. Any such polling places shall be listed in a separate section of the order or resolution. F. All elections that are called either by the county school superintendent or the governing board of a school district and that are held at a time other than the general election shall be conducted by the use of school district precinct registers. |