15-996. Duties of county treasurer relating to school district's monies The county treasurer shall: 1. Receive and hold all school district monies and keep a separate account for each school district and for the special county school reserve fund. The county treasurer may maintain separate accounts for each fund of a school district or the county treasurer may maintain only two accounts for each school district's monies in addition to the funds provided for in sections 15-1024, 15-1025, 15-2021, 15-2031 and 15-2041. If only two accounts are maintained, the first account shall consist of maintenance and operation, unrestricted capital outlay, soft capital allocation and adjacent ways monies and the classroom site fund prescribed in section 15-977 and the second account shall consist of federal and state grant monies and all other monies. 2. Pool school district monies for investment except as provided in sections 15-1024 and 15-1025. Interest earned on the monies pooled for investment shall be apportioned at least quarterly to the appropriate school district based on an average monthly balance as prescribed in the uniform system of accounting for county treasurers as provided in section 41-1279.21. 3. Notwithstanding section 11-605, register warrants only as follows: (a) If separate accounts are maintained for each fund, warrants may only be registered on the maintenance and operation, unrestricted capital outlay, soft capital allocation and adjacent ways accounts and the classroom site fund prescribed in section 15-977 and only if the total cash balance of all three accounts is insufficient to pay the warrants, except that, during the period of time when a school district is under receivership pursuant to section 15-103, a warrant may be registered on the debt service account for which the cash balance in the debt service account is insufficient to cover the debt service payment if there are not sufficient monies in the debt service account to cover the debt. (b) If the county treasurer maintains only two accounts as provided in paragraph 1 of this section: (i) The county treasurer may register warrants only on the first account and only if the balance of that account is insufficient to pay the warrants. (ii) The county treasurer may honor warrants for any federal or state grant fund with a negative balance as long as the total balance in the second account is positive. If the second account total balance is negative, the warrant for a federal or state grant fund shall be charged to the maintenance and operation fund. Any interest charged to the federal or state grant fund as a result of a negative balance that is in excess of interest earned on the fund shall be transferred to the maintenance and operation fund at the end of the fiscal year or the end of the grant year. If a federal or state grant fund has a negative balance at the end of the fiscal year or grant year, sufficient expenditures shall be transferred to the maintenance and operation fund to eliminate the negative balance. 4. Notify the county school superintendent by the fifteenth day of each calendar month of the month end balances of each school district account. 5. Pay warrants issued by the county school superintendent and duly endorsed by the person entitled to receive the monies. 6. On each property tax bill and each property tax statement prepared, separately state and identify by name each school district's primary property tax rate, the secondary property tax rate that is associated with overrides, the secondary property tax rate that is associated with class A bonds and the secondary property tax rate that is associated with class B bonds. For the purposes of this paragraph, "class A bonds" and "class B bonds" have the same meanings prescribed in section 15-101. |