17-236. Taking birds; possession of raptors A. It is unlawful to take or injure any bird or harass any bird upon its nest, or remove the nests or eggs of any bird, except as may occur in normal horticultural and agricultural practices and except as authorized by commission order. Nothing in this title shall be construed to prohibit the taking of such birds for scientific purposes under permits issued by the commission. B. The commission shall issue licenses to permit the possession and transportation of raptors for sport falconry consistent with the requirements of the migratory bird treaty act (40 Stat. 755; 16 United States Code sections 703 through 711) and the endangered species act of 1973 (P.L. 93-205; 87 Stat. 884; 16 United States Code sections 1531 through 1544). C. A person who has qualified to become a class II, general, or class III, master, falconer, as provided by commission rule, may possess, transport and use for sport falconry purposes, raptors not listed in the migratory bird treaty act (40 Stat. 755; 16 United States Code sections 703 through 711) without possessing a sport falconry license. |