17-294. Annual audit of funds A. The commission shall cause an annual audit to be made of the conservation development fund, capital improvement fund and any bond proceeds, sinking, reserve or other operation fund established pursuant to this article. The audit shall be made by a certified public accountant within thirty days after the close of the fiscal year, and a certified copy of the audit shall be filed with the auditor general. B. The auditor general may, if he deems it advisable, make such further audits and examinations as he deems necessary and take appropriate action in relation thereto as provided by title 41, chapter 7, article 10.1. Unless the auditor general takes official action within thirty days after filing of the audit, the audit shall be deemed sufficient. C. The fees and expenses, if any, of the certified public accountant and of the auditor general for audits and examinations pursuant to this section shall be paid from the conservation development fund or the bond proceeds fund as directed by the commission. |