17-304. Prohibition by landowner upon hunting; posting; exception A. Landowners or lessees of private land who desire to prohibit hunting, fishing or trapping on their lands without their written permission shall post such lands closed to hunting, fishing or trapping using notices or signboards. B. State or federal lands including those under lease may not be posted except by consent of the commission. C. The notices or signboards shall meet all of the following criteria: 1. Be not less than eight inches by eleven inches with plainly legible wording in capital and bold-faced lettering at least one inch high. 2. Contain the words "no hunting", "no trapping" or "no fishing" either as a single phrase or in any combination. 3. Be conspicuously placed on a structure or post at least four feet above ground level at all points of vehicular access, at all property or fence corners and at intervals of not more than one-quarter mile along the property boundary, except that a post with one hundred square inches or more of orange paint may serve as the interval notices between property or fence corners and points of vehicular access. The orange paint shall be clearly visible and shall cover the entire aboveground surface of the post facing outward and on both lateral sides from the closed area. D. The entry of any person for the taking of wildlife shall not be grounds for an action for trespassing unless the land has been posted pursuant to this section. |