17-317. Possession and containment of white amur; determination of closed aquatic system A. The commission shall establish a procedure by rule to permit the possession of certified triploid white amur (ctenopharyngodon idellus). B. The department shall evaluate potential sites for the stocking of certified triploid white amur in this state. These sites shall be in closed aquatic systems as determined by the commission. The commission shall determine what constitutes a closed aquatic system after at least one public hearing and shall consider at least the following factors: 1. Hydrologic: (a) Flood potential of the aquatic system. (b) Proximity of the aquatic system to other aquatic systems. (c) Water movement into and out of the aquatic system. 2. The risk of severe damage to the aquatic habitat in other bodies of water due to the possession and use of white amur. |