20-1902. Disclosure of information A. An authorized agency may, in writing, require an insurer to release to such other authorized agency any relevant information which the insurer has in its possession relating to a loss which such authorized agency is investigating including: 1. Application for an insurance policy. 2. Policy premium payment records. 3. History of previous claims made by the insured. 4. Material relating to the investigation of the loss, including statements of any person, proof of loss and any other evidence relevant to the investigation. B. If an insurer has reason to believe that a loss in which it has an interest may be based on a false or fraudulent claim such insurer shall, in writing, notify an authorized agency and provide it with all material developed from the insurer's inquiry into the loss. Notice to any one of the authorized agencies listed in section 20-1901, paragraph 1, subdivisions (a) through (g) shall be sufficient notice for the purpose of this subsection. C. Nothing in subsection B of this section shall abrogate or impair the rights or powers created under subsection A of this section. D. The authorized agency provided with information pursuant to subsection A or B of this section shall upon request release or provide such information to any other authorized agency. E. An insurer providing information to an authorized agency shall have the right to request in writing from such agency relevant information and receive, within a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty days, the information requested. The relevant information shall not include non-conviction criminal history record information nor any other information detrimental to another ongoing criminal investigation or that would reveal the identity of a confidential source of information. |