20-2901. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. "Applicant" means a provider organization that submits an application to the contractor to provide continuing education courses. 2. "Approved continuing education course" means any course that has been approved by at least five other states or that is approved by a contractor or automatically approved pursuant to section 20-2904. 3. "Approved provider" means an organization or individual that offers an approved continuing education course and that is authorized by the contractor to offer the course to a licensee for credit toward the licensee's continuing education requirements. 4. "Continuing education review committee" means the committee appointed by the director pursuant to section 20-2905 to establish minimum standards that apply to approved providers and approved continuing education courses and minimum performance standards that apply to contractors. 5. "Contractor" means the person who has a contract with the department of insurance to approve continuing education providers and courses and to administer the continuing education program and who is paid through fees collected from approved providers when the approved providers apply for continuing education course approval. 6. "Credit hour" means the value assigned to an hour of instruction in an approved continuing education course. 7. "License period" means the period between the date an Arizona insurance license is issued or last renewed and the expiration date of the Arizona insurance license. 8. "Licensee" means an insurance producer, including a surplus lines broker, or a managing general agent as defined in chapter 2, article 3.1 of this title who at any time during the license period holds a current nonresident license to transact insurance in another state. Licensee does not include any firm, corporation or other similar entity or an adjuster as defined in section 20-321. 9. "Nonresident applicant" means an insurance producer or a managing general agent or service representative who holds a resident license in another state and a nonresident license in this state and who is applying for the renewal of a nonresident license in this state. 10. "Provider organization" means a person that provides continuing education courses but has not yet been accepted as an approved provider pursuant to section 20-2904. |