20-2903. Record keeping A. Beginning on July 1, 1999 licensees shall maintain their own continuing education records described in section 20-2902, subsection C and shall keep the records until the second renewal date after the period for which the continuing education credits were earned. B. In order to verify the attendance and successful course completion of all licensees enrolled in an approved course, approved providers shall maintain records for five years in a manner acceptable to the director. The records are subject to audit by the department. Each approved provider shall maintain records that include at least the following information for each approved continuing education course provided by the approved provider: 1. The title and subject. 2. A list of attendees. 3. The name of the instructor. 4. A copy of the continuing education course outline. 5. Other information deemed necessary by the director. C. Based on an audit prescribed in subsection B of this section, if the director discovers that an approved provider has failed to maintain records in the manner prescribed in subsection B of this section, the director shall immediately notify the contractor described in section 20-2904 of the approved provider's noncompliance and the contractor shall remove the approved provider from the contractor's list of approved providers. The contractor shall not accept that provider organization as an approved provider for at least one year. The approved provider's noncompliance does not affect the licensee's ability to obtain a renewal of a nonresident license if the licensee complies with section 20-2902 and subsection A of this section. |