20-342. Scope and application of article A. This article does not apply to: 1. Life insurance. 2. Disability insurance. 3. Reinsurance, except joint reinsurance as provided in section 20-369. 4. Mortgage guaranty insurance. 5. Insurance against loss of or damage to aircraft, their hulls, accessories and equipment, or against liability, other than employers' liability, arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of aircraft. 6. Insurance of vessels or craft, their cargoes, marine builders' risks, marine protection and indemnity, or other risks commonly insured under marine, as distinguished from inland marine, insurance policies. 7. Insurance risks described in section 20-382, subsection A, paragraph 8. B. Rates for the types of insurance included in section 20-382 are only subject to sections 20-381 through 20-399. C. This section and sections 20-341 and 20-356 through 20-374 apply to workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance incident to and written in connection with workers' compensation on risks or operations in this state. D. This section and sections 20-341 and 20-361 through 20-379 apply to title insurance on risks located in this state and to escrow services performed by a title insurer or title insurance agent as defined in section 20-1562. Those sections are designated as the title insurance rate regulatory provisions of this article and are the only sections of this article that apply to title insurance. |