20-400.08. Insurance consumer advisory board A. An insurance advisory board is established within the department of insurance consisting of seven members appointed by the director. Membership on the board is for a term of three years. B. The board shall consist of the following members: 1. Two members licensed as insurance agents in this state. 2. Two members licensed as insurance brokers in this state. 3. Three members representing consumers. C. The board shall conduct periodic meetings. Meetings shall be held on call of the director or on written request of any three members of the board. D. The board shall advise and counsel with the director on matters relating to the condition of the insurance marketplace in terms of competition and compliance with this article. E. No civil liability arises against the board, members of the board or the director or his representatives for any action taken or statements made in the good faith performance of their duties pursuant to this section. F. The director may withhold from public inspection any information related to an ongoing criminal or civil investigation and may delete from any reports the name or names of individuals who have brought complaints. G. Notwithstanding any provision of law, the board or the director may disclose information related to subsections F and G to any law enforcement agency. H. The members are not entitled to receive compensation but are entitled to reimbursement of expenses by the department in accordance with title 38, chapter 4, article 2. |