21-311. Master jury file; master jury list A. If a superior court uses a master jury file, the presiding judge of the superior court, on completion of the master jury list and at other times as necessary, shall order the jury commissioner to randomly select from the master jury list the number of names that are necessary to provide a sufficient number of persons for jury service during the ensuing six months or a shorter time period as the presiding judge deems appropriate. The persons who remain on the list at the end of the designated period may be retained and carried over once to the next succeeding master jury file. B. To establish the master jury file the jury commissioner or the jury commissioner's designee shall randomly select from the master jury list the number of names specified in the order. C. If the presiding judge of the superior court believes that additional jurors will be required, the presiding judge may order the jury commissioner to randomly select additional names from the master jury list. D. If a justice of the peace court or a municipal court uses a master jury file, the justice of the peace or the presiding municipal court judge, upon production of the master jury list pursuant to section 21-301 and at other times as necessary, shall order the jury manager to randomly select from the master jury list the number of names that are necessary to provide a sufficient number of persons for jury service during the ensuing six months or a shorter time period as the justice of the peace or the presiding judge deems appropriate. The jurors who remain on the list at the end of the designated period may be retained and carried over once to the next succeeding master jury file. E. To establish the master jury file the jury manager or the jury manager's designee shall randomly select from the master jury list the number of names specified in the order. F. If the justice of the peace or the presiding municipal court judge believes that additional jurors will be required, the justice of the peace or the presiding municipal court judge may order the jury manager to randomly select additional names from the master jury list. G. The use of a master jury file is optional. |