21-331. Procedure for summoning jurors A. The jury commissioner or jury manager shall use either of the following methods for summoning persons for a particular juror pool: 1. The court shall order the jury commissioner or jury manager to summon a specific number of qualified jurors, at random, for either a trial jury or grand jury panel. 2. The jury commissioner or jury manager shall determine a specific number of persons to be summoned for a court location and date. B. In counties in which multiple superior court locations exist, a juror shall not be summoned to more than one court location on the same date and is not required to serve in more than one court location on any specific date. C. The summons shall be delivered by giving personal notice to each person, or by leaving a written notice to that effect at the person's place of residence, with some person of proper age and discretion, by telephone or by mailing such notice by first class mail, registered mail or certified mail. D. Any person who fails to appear in response to a notice sent by first class mail shall be immediately resummoned by a notice sent by first class mail, registered mail or certified mail and shall not be subject to a body attachment or fine as provided in section 21-334 unless the juror fails to appear in response to this second summons. Notwithstanding section 21-301, subsection C, for any juror whose mail is returned as undeliverable, the jury commissioner or jury manager shall notify the county recorder who shall send a follow-up notice to the juror pursuant to section 16-166, subsection A, including information regarding possible removal from the voter registration rolls, and on completion of the notification process pursuant to section 16-166, the county recorder shall transfer the juror to the inactive voter list. |