27-110. Organization; employees and volunteers; advisory committees; conflict of interest prohibited A. With the approval of the board, the director shall organize the department and may: 1. Employ permanent, temporary, part-time and volunteer professional and support staff. The qualifications of employees of the department shall be prescribed by the board. The board may authorize the director to provide for reimbursement of expenses of volunteer support staff. 2. Establish and appoint the members of advisory committees as necessary to assist the operation of the department. B. Neither the director nor any other officer or employee shall: 1. Possess or acquire a pecuniary interest in any mining property. 2. Act as broker or agent for any purchaser, owner or agent of mining property, equipment or products. 3. Accept any commission or compensation for services rendered in connection with the mining industry. 4. Make an investigation or report on an individual property for evaluation or private use other than in pursuance of his official duties. |