27-905. Certificate of disclosure of violations; remedies; definition A. The following persons shall file a certificate of disclosure with the division of mined land reclamation as prescribed by this section: 1. A person who is engaged in an activity subject to regulation under this chapter and who has been convicted of a felony involving laws related to mined land reclamation within the five year period immediately preceding execution of the certificate. 2. A person who is engaged in an activity subject to regulation under this chapter and who is or has been subject in any civil proceeding to an injunction, decree, judgment or permanent order of any state or federal court within the five year period immediately preceding the execution of the certificate that involved a violation of laws of that jurisdiction relating to mined land reclamation. B. The certificate of disclosure prescribed by this section shall contain the following: 1. Identification of the person, including present full name, all prior names or aliases, full birth name, present house address and all prior addresses for the immediately preceding five year period, date and place of birth and social security number. 2. The nature and description of each conviction or judicial action, the date and place, the court and public agency involved, and the file or cause number of the case. 3. A written declaration that each signer swears to its contents under penalty of perjury. C. The certificate of disclosure submitted on behalf of a corporation shall be executed by any two executive officers or directors of the corporation. D. Initial certificates shall be delivered to the division within ninety days after the person first becomes subject to the disclosure requirements of this section. Certificates shall be filed annually thereafter within ninety days after the close of the person's fiscal year as reported on the initial certificate. E. By February 1 of each year, the state mine inspector shall provide the attorney general with a list of all persons who were convicted of the crimes or who are the subject of the judicial actions described in subsection A of this section, as indicated from the certificates of disclosure filed during the preceding year. F. In lieu of the certificate of disclosure prescribed by this section, a corporation may submit to the division copies of annual reports filed with the securities and exchange commission pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the securities exchange act of 1934 (15 United States Code section 78), commonly known as a "10-K form", within ninety days after filing the annual report. The initial submission shall include 10-K forms for the preceding five years. G. A person who contributes information for a certificate of disclosure and who makes an untrue statement of material fact concerning the requirements of subsection B of this section or withholds any material fact concerning the requirements of subsection B of this section or a person who is obligated to file a certificate of disclosure and who fails to file the certificate is subject to section 27-1022, section 27-1024, subsections B and C and section 27-1025. H. For purposes of this section, "person" means: 1. A natural person. 2. Any public or private corporation, its officers, directors, trustees, incorporators and persons who control or hold over ten per cent of the issued and outstanding common shares or ten per cent of any other proprietary, beneficial or membership interest in the corporation. 3. A partnership, including all general partners and limited partners who control a ten per cent or more beneficial interest in the partnership. 4. An association or society of persons. 5. A limited liability company including all members who have a ten per cent or more interest in the limited liability company. 6. The federal government and any of its departments or agencies. 7. This state and any of its agencies, departments, political subdivisions, counties, towns or municipal corporations. |