27-929. Notice of plan or substantial change A. The state mine inspector shall give notice of a proposed reclamation plan or a substantial change to an approved reclamation plan once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties in which the exploration operation or mining unit is or will be located. If there is no such newspaper, the inspector shall give notice in a newspaper of general circulation that is published in an adjoining county. B. The notice shall briefly describe the proposed reclamation plan or substantial change and state that any person who may be adversely affected by the plan or substantial change may: 1. File a written objection to the plan or substantial change within fifteen days after the last publication. 2. Request a public hearing. C. An objection shall state the name and mailing address of the objector, be signed by the objector or the objector's agent or attorney and clearly state the reasons why the plan or substantial change should be denied. Grounds for objection are limited to whether the proposed plan or substantial change meets the criteria for approval in this chapter. D. If there is sufficient public interest by persons who may be adversely affected by the plan or substantial change, the inspector may hold a public hearing in the county in which the exploration operation or mining unit is or will be located. |