28-4539. Manufacturer unladen truck and passenger vehicles; registration exemption A. An unladen truck or passenger vehicle that is owned by a manufacturer and that is of a type otherwise required to be registered is exempt from registration while the vehicle is used according to this section. The vehicle may be operated under owner responsibility on public highways and streets if the vehicle displays in the manner prescribed in section 28-2354 a manufacturer unladen truck and passenger vehicle test license plate or plates issued to the owner as provided in this section. B. A person shall not use a manufacturer unladen vehicle test license plate on the following manufacturer owned unladen trucks or passenger vehicles: 1. A leased or rented vehicle owned by the manufacturer. 2. A vehicle carrying more than three hundred pounds of cargo. 3. A work or service vehicle. 4. A vehicle that has been sold. 5. A laden vehicle designed for the transportation of cargo. C. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, the manufacturer, a full-time employee of the manufacturer in connection with the manufacturer's business, a person who has permission of a full-time employee or a person contracted and designated by the manufacturer to operate the vehicle for business purposes may use a manufacturer unladen vehicle test license plate on a vehicle. The use authorized by this subsection includes operation of the vehicle as personal use transportation if it is assigned to a manufacturer or full-time employee or contracted person on a full-time use basis and if a record of the assignment is made as provided in section 28-4542. |