28-456. Subsequent sale or disclosure of record information by authorized recipient A. Except as provided in subsections B and C of this section, an authorized recipient of personal information may resell or redisclose the information only for a use permitted under section 28-455, subsection B or C. B. An authorized recipient under section 28-455, subsection C, paragraph 11 may resell or redisclose personal information for any lawful purpose. C. An authorized recipient under section 28-455, subsection C, paragraph 12 may resell or redisclose personal information pursuant to section 28-455, subsection C, paragraph 12. D. Any authorized recipient, except a recipient under section 28-455, subsection C, paragraph 11, that resells or rediscloses personal information covered by this section shall keep for a period of five years records identifying each person or entity that receives information and the permitted purpose for which the information will be used and shall make the records available to the department on request. |