28-4842. Unclaimed vehicle; transfer of ownership; immunity A. If a vehicle remains unclaimed at the expiration of the dates prescribed in section 28-4841, subsections B and C, the director shall make an inquiry to determine if the vehicle is a stolen vehicle. On receiving notice that the vehicle has not been reported stolen, the director may transfer ownership of the vehicle free and clear of all liens or encumbrances on compliance with this chapter to the person in possession of the vehicle. B. An application for transfer of ownership shall be signed by the applicant or authorized agent of the applicant and shall contain a certified statement that includes the following: 1. As of the date of application, no person has presented proof of ownership or proof of interest in the vehicle and entered into an agreement for the release or return of the vehicle. 2. The applicant is currently in possession of the vehicle. C. This state and its agencies, employees and agents are not liable for relying in good faith on the contents of the abandoned vehicle report or affidavits as prescribed by this chapter. D. A person in possession of a vehicle is not liable for obtaining a transfer of ownership of an abandoned vehicle if the person in possession of the vehicle complies with this chapter. |