28-6713. Bids for construction, reconstruction, equipment or supplies; procedure; bond; exceptions (L10, Ch. 244, sec. 16. Eff. 10/1/11) A. Except as provided in subsection G of this section, in a county with a population of two hundred fifty thousand persons or more as determined by the most recent United States decennial census or the most recent special census as provided in section 28-6532, bids for all items of construction or reconstruction involving an expenditure equal to or greater than the amount determined pursuant to subsection B of this section, all purchases or other acquisition of equipment involving an expenditure of more than five thousand dollars and all purchases of supplies and materials involving an expenditure of two thousand five hundred dollars or more shall be called for by advertising in a newspaper of general circulation in the county for two consecutive publications if it is a weekly newspaper, or for two publications of at least six but not more than ten days apart if it is a daily newspaper. The advertisement shall state specifically the character of the work to be done and the kind and quality of materials or supplies to be furnished. B. Bids shall be called pursuant to subsection A of this section for all items of construction or reconstruction involving an expenditure of: 1. In fiscal year 1985-1986, thirty-five thousand dollars. 2. In fiscal year 1986-1987 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41-563. C. If the board of supervisors receives a satisfactory bid, it shall contract with the lowest responsible bidder after the contractor or supplier gives any bond required by title 34, chapter 2, article 2, except that in counties with a population of more than one million persons according to the most recent United States decennial census, in determining the lowest responsible bidder under this section, the board may consider, for no more than five projects, the time of completion proposed by the bidder, the value over time of completed services and facilities and the value over time of interrupted services, if the board determines that this procedure will serve the public interest by providing a substantial fiscal benefit or that the use of the traditional awarding of contracts is not practicable for meeting desired construction standards or delivery schedules and if the formula for considering the time of completion is specifically stated in the bidding information. The board may reject any or all bids and readvertise. D. The board of supervisors, a member of the board of supervisors or any other official or agent of a county affected by this section shall not segregate or divide into separate units a contiguous or continuous portion of highway construction or reconstruction or divide into separate portions an item of equipment or generally recognized unit of supplies or material to avoid the restrictions imposed by subsection A of this section. E. The board of supervisors, a member of the board of supervisors or any other official or agent of a county affected by this section shall make every effort to combine the following: 1. Separate portions of highway construction or reconstruction projects. 2. Items of equipment, supplies and materials. F. After a contract has been awarded, the board of supervisors' authorized representative may authorize change orders to the contract if necessary pursuant to guidelines set by the board of supervisors. This authority does not permit the board of supervisors' authorized representative to act independently to award new contracts. G. A building, structure, addition or alteration may be constructed without complying with the bidding requirements of this section if the construction, including construction of buildings or structures on public or private property, is required as a condition of development of private property and is authorized by section 9-463.01 or 11-821 or 11-822. For the purposes of this subsection, building does not include any police, fire, school, library or other public building. H. Subsections A, B and C of this section do not apply to procurement of construction-manager-at-risk, design-build and job-order-contracting construction services pursuant to title 34, chapter 6. |