28-7059. Rest area sponsorship sign program; rules; revenue sharing agreement; program termination A. The department may establish a rest area sponsorship sign program. Notwithstanding sections 28-648, 28-7048 and 28-7053, the department may contract with a third party to install, maintain and replace rest area sponsorship signs at rest areas located in the public right-of-way of the interstate or state highway system. The third party shall agree in the contract to lease sponsor recognition space and to furnish, install, maintain and replace signs for the benefit of business or organizational sponsors. B. The department shall adopt rules to implement and operate the rest area sponsorship sign program. Costs incurred under the program shall be paid under agreements negotiated between the third party and the business or organizational sponsors. C. The department may enter into a revenue sharing agreement with the third party. The department shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, all monies received from the revenue sharing agreement in a subaccount of the state highway fund for the purpose of rest area maintenance, operations and repairs. D. The rest area sponsorship sign program established pursuant to this section ends on July 1, 2019 pursuant to section 41-3102. |