3-1332. Method, place and time of inspecting livestock A. Livestock officers and inspectors shall inspect livestock, other than equine and livestock subject to authorized self-inspection, for health, marks and brands at loading stations, at places of exit from the state and at places where livestock are gathered to be sold, slaughtered, transported, conveyed, shipped or driven from their range for any purpose whatever except when livestock are being moved from pasture to a destination in this state and no change of ownership, slaughter or other disposition is involved and the owner is utilizing self-inspection approved by the division under section 3-1203. Livestock officers and inspectors need not inspect outgoing livestock from feed lots, dairies and producers utilizing self-inspection pursuant to section 3-1203 but may conduct periodic inspections to ascertain compliance with this article. B. Feed lots, dairies and producers utilizing self-inspection approved by the division under section 3-1203 shall comply with the applicable provisions of this section and procedures established by the division. C. Brand inspections shall be made by daylight and in a manner that enables the livestock officer or inspector personally to see, inspect and record each and every mark and brand. Inspections of livestock for health at a slaughterhouse may be made by other than daylight if adequate artificial light is provided. D. Upon being advised that livestock is subject to inspection, livestock officers and inspectors shall arrange for the inspection of the livestock and inspect such livestock within forty-eight hours. E. The animal services division, the plant services division and the office of inspections shall cooperate to provide livestock inspections at border inspection stations or department offices and to train appropriate personnel to perform these inspections. Employees of the plant services division acting under this subsection do not have enforcement powers otherwise granted to livestock officers. In the case of an apparent discrepancy, disease or other problem a livestock officer or inspector employed by the animal services division shall be called on to make a final inspection and determination. The associate director of the animal services division shall assign at least one livestock officer or inspector to be on call from each office operated by the plant services division under this subsection. |