3-2055. Cooperation with other public health authorities A. In carrying out the provisions of this chapter the director shall request the advice of and consult with the sanitary engineer or other qualified employees of the department of health services and the state laboratory in matters relating to potability of water, sewage systems and other sanitary conditions of slaughtering and meat processing establishments which might endanger public health. B. In carrying out the provisions of this chapter, the associate director shall require the chief veterinary meat inspector or any of his deputies to advise him when any licensee in the opinion of such inspector fails to meet the minimum requirements of the department. The associate director may make an inspection of such premises, and if he confirms the findings of the chief veterinary meat inspector or the inspector's deputies, the associate director shall serve notice that the licensee's license to slaughter, state meat inspection service or assignment number will be suspended as provided in section 3-2096. C. In carrying out the provisions of this chapter the director shall require the chief veterinary meat inspector, or any of his deputies, to advise the department of health services when any licensee, in the opinion of such inspector, fails to meet the minimum requirements of the department of health services. The department of health services may send its proper public health officer to make an inspection of such premises. If the department of health services inspector confirms the findings of the chief veterinary meat inspector or the inspector's deputies, the associate director shall serve notice that the licensee's license to slaughter, state meat inspection service or assignment number will be suspended as provided in section 3-2096. D. The department shall cooperate with all state, local and municipal health authorities in requiring all slaughtering establishments and meat processing plants to maintain sewage systems which shall not contaminate water supplies and shall not endanger public health. |