3-212. Infested plants; sale or transportation prohibited; disposition of infested or wormy apples and pears A. It is unlawful to offer for sale, sell, give away or transport, except from the state as provided in section 3-211, plants, fruits, vegetables or seeds known to be infested by dangerously injurious insects or plant diseases or known to harbor any pest whatsoever. B. When apples or pears are infested by the coddling moth, plain evidence of injury by this insect to the fruit shall constitute a condition of infestation. C. When the director believes the protection of the industry requires such action, fruit commonly known as "wormy," together with other apples or pears in the same container or lot together with the containers, shall be declared a public nuisance by the director, and offering for sale, selling, giving away or transporting the fruit after it is declared a public nuisance is unlawful. |