3-442. Purpose and scope of article A. Producing quality citrus fruit in this state is in the public interest. To enhance the potential for domestic and international marketing of citrus fruit from this state, it is the policy and purpose of this article to enable and encourage producers and shippers to develop uniform grades and standards for citrus fruit and to allow inspections of citrus fruit produced or sold in this state. This article is vital to enhance and maintain domestic and international markets for citrus fruit grown in this state by protecting against exporting, importing and selling substandard citrus fruit and by ensuring that inferior produce does not compete with quality citrus fruit produced in this state. B. All citrus fruit, when being packed or placed in a container, after packing, when delivered for shipment, loaded, shipped, being transported, offered for sale or sold in a container or in bulk, including citrus fruit offered for sale in bulk by the grower to dealers for resale in bulk at retail or otherwise, shall conform to this article and rules adopted pursuant to this article. |