32-1262. Corporate practice; display of name and license receipt or license; duplicate licenses; fee A. It is lawful to practice dentistry as a professional corporation. B. It is lawful to practice dentistry under a name other than that of the licensed practitioners if the name is not deceptive or misleading. C. The dentist's name shall be conspicuously displayed at the entrance to the place where the dentist practices. A licensee's receipt for the current licensure period shall be displayed in the licensee's place of practice in a manner that is always readily observable by patients or visitors and shall be exhibited to members of the board or to duly authorized agents of the board on request. The receipt for the licensure period immediately preceding shall be kept on display until replaced by the receipt for the current period. During the year in which the licensee is first licensed and until the receipt for the following period is received, the license shall be displayed in lieu of the receipt. D. If a dentist maintains more than one place of practice, the board may issue one or more duplicate licenses or receipts on payment of a fee fixed by the board not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each duplicate. E. If a licensee legally changes the licensee's name from that in which the license was originally issued, the board, on satisfactory proof of the change and surrender of the original license, if obtainable, may issue a new license in the new name and shall charge the established fee for duplicate licenses. |