32-1267. Use of fraudulent instruments; classification A person is guilty of a class 5 felony who: 1. Knowingly presents to or files with the board as his own a diploma, degree, license, certificate or identification belonging to another, or which is forged or fraudulent. 2. Exhibits or displays any instrument described in paragraph 1 with intent that it be used as evidence of the right of such person to practice dentistry in this state. 3. With fraudulent intent alters any instrument described in paragraph 1 or uses or attempts to use it when so altered. 4. Sells, transfers or offers to sell or transfer, or who purchases, procures or offers to purchase or procure a diploma, license, certificate or identification, with intent that it be used as evidence of the right to practice dentistry in this state by a person other than the one to whom it belongs or is issued. |