32-1391.13. Grounds for denial or refusal to renew funeral establishment sales endorsement or disciplinary action The board may deny or refuse to renew a prearranged funeral sales endorsement or may take disciplinary action against a funeral establishment if any of the following occurs: 1. The funeral establishment fails to satisfy the requirements of section 32-1391.12. 2. The funeral establishment fails to comply with the annual report requirement prescribed in section 32-1391.16. 3. The funeral establishment, its designated funeral director or any prearranged funeral salesperson it employs or engages violates this article or any rule adopted pursuant to this article. 4. The funeral establishment makes false or misleading statements on its initial or renewal application or on the required annual report. 5. The designated funeral director is convicted of any crime or is the subject of any court decision described in section 32-1391.12, subsection A, paragraph 5, subdivision (e) or (f). 6. The establishment, its designated funeral director or any registered salesperson it employs or engages violates any provision of title 44, chapter 10, article 7. |