32-1555. Unlawful acts; investigations A. It is unlawful for any person: 1. To practice, attempt to practice or claim to practice as a doctor of naturopathic medicine or any branch of naturopathic medicine without complying with this chapter. 2. Not licensed under this chapter to use the designation "doctor of naturopathic medicine", or the abbreviation "N.M.D.", "doctor of naturopathy", or the abbreviation "N.D.", or "naturopathic physician" or to use any other words, initials, symbols or combination of these that would lead the public to believe that person is licensed to practice naturopathic medicine. 3. To sell or fraudulently obtain or furnish any naturopathic degree or diploma. 4. To operate a school, college or educational institution granting a degree, diploma or certificate in the practice of naturopathic medicine unless it has been approved by the board. 5. To represent that a school, college or educational institution granting a degree, diploma or certificate in naturopathic medicine is approved by the board if the school, college or educational institution has not been approved by the board. 6. To secure or attempt to secure a license, certificate or registration under this chapter by fraud or deceit. 7. To work as a naturopathic medical assistant except under the direct supervision of a doctor of naturopathic medicine licensed pursuant to this chapter. 8. To use the title "medical assistant" or a related abbreviation unless the person is working as a medical assistant under the direct supervision of a doctor of naturopathic medicine. 9. To conduct or engage in an internship, a preceptorship or a clinical training program or a postdoctoral training program in naturopathic medicine unless the internship, preceptorship, clinical training program or postdoctoral training program is approved by the board. 10. To use the title "naturopathic student physician", "naturopathic student intern" or "naturopathic student preceptee" or a related title or abbreviation while engaged in an internship or a preceptorship unless the person is approved and registered by the board for the internship or the preceptorship program. 11. To use the title "naturopathic medical student" while engaged in a clinical training program unless the person is approved and registered by the board for the clinical training program. B. The board may investigate any person to determine if that person is engaged in the unlawful practice of naturopathic medicine. If an investigation indicates that a person may be practicing naturopathic medicine unlawfully, the board shall inform the person of the alleged violation. The board may refer the matter for prosecution regardless of whether the person ceases the unlawful practice of naturopathic medicine. |